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Revitalize your wellness journey with our 5-Day Delgada Sample Kit, a delightful way to kickstart a healthier you! This kit is the perfect introduction to our world renowned slimming coffee. Convenient to carry and easy to make, this gentle cleansing coffee intends to aid your weight-management goals.* Ingredients: Bold-Roast Spray-Dried Coffee* Garcinia Cambogia Plant Extract (60% HCA)* Green Coffee Bean Plant Extract (50% Chlorogenic Acids)* Natural Caffeine (GBC 98% Caffeine) (Caffeine 185 mg per serving)* Citrus Aurantium Powder (30%)* Ganoderma Lucidum (30%)* MAKE IT Mix one sachet into 8 fl. oz. of hot water.* TAKE IT In the morning, noon, or whenever you’d like!* DOSE One sachet as needed.*
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